22 JULY 1938, page 2

Houses For Rural Workers The Third Stage In The Government's

long housing programme will soon, it is hoped, get under way. The first was that associated with slum clearance ; the second, overcrowding; and there now remains the urgent task......

Trade With Danubian Countries Lord Stanhope Thought It...

to reply in the House of Lords last Monday to articles " in the foreign Press " which suggested that the British Government is pursuing a policy of economic encirclement in the......

The Advance On Sagunto In A Broadcast Speech To The

nation from Barcelona on Monday, the President of the Spanish Republic, Senor Azaiia, gave a definition of the Spanish conflict admirable in its clarity and simplicity. It is,......

Strikes " Out Of Date " " Today The Strike

weapon is out of date," said Mr. Joseph Jones in his Presidential address to the Mineworkers' Federation, only qualifying his statement with the words " unless faced with......

To Many Persons It Must Have Been Rather Disturbing To

learn that so great a manufacturing country as Britain should have to place large orders abroad for aeroplanes and aeroplane engines. But this .is part of the price we have to......

War And Trade In Japan Japan , Has Made Little

progress this week in her advance on Hankow. The city itself; and the Canton-Hankow railway have been severely bombed, and the Yangtze forts below Kiukiang heavily bombarded ;......

Economic Future Of The Empire In His Speech To The

Manchester Chamber of Commerce Mr. Malcolm MacDonald expressed a statesmanlike view of the future of the Dominions. We must not think of them, he suggested, as expanding simply......