22 JULY 1949, page 28


Meeting on the Shore. By Robin Estridge. (Peter Davies. 8s. 6d.) COME , for once, behind the scenes with the reviewer. The parcel of books, solid, secure and, one cannot help......

Finance -and Investment

By CUSTOS INVESTORS' first reactions to the news' of the dollar import cuts have been almost unbelievably mild. I think it would be wrong to infer that there is any confident......

Shorter Notices

Image. No. 1. (Art and Technics. 5s.) FOR the past two years a . quarterly with the somewhat repellent title of Alphabet and Image has been publishing a series of first-class......

Orpheus. Vol. 2. (john Lehmann. 12s. 6d.)

THE new volume of Mr. Lehmann's ambitious "symposium of the arts " contains interesting articles on Edward FitzGerald and on the Greek peasant artist Theophilos (1866-1934), the......