22 JUNE 1912, page 17

[to Tell Editor 07 Mi "sracnton."] Sir,—your...

Smythe Palmer in his quotation from " Saints and Savages" in your issue of June 8th so staggers me that I cannot resist writing to you about it. " In the Western Hebrides," he......

The Nightingale.

[To THII EDITOR 01 THE " SPICTATOR."] SIR,—Your correspondent Mr. L. J. Roberts asks if it is not true that Coleridge was the first poet who accurately character- ized the song......

" Rude Health."

[To THE EDITOR Of Tam "Sracuroa."] SIR,—Surely the notion of " deriving " the term "rude health • from the Latin "crude salmi " is entirely uncalled for and misleading. No......

Tennis And Fives.

[To TIM EDITOR OF TER " SPILCTATOR."] SIR, — In his letter in the issue of June 8th on the derivation of these words Mr. Candler antiquem renovat d,olorem. The subject has been......

{ To Vas Editor Or The "srxmrop.."1 Sir, —the Following...

from Symonds's translation of the Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (p. 348) :— " Pushing the door open, I drew my sword and set the point at his throat. At the same instant I......

"mother ! Mother I"

[To THE EDITOR OP TUB " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — When in the service of the Government of Sierra Leone in 1874 I had in my employ George Leigh, who had, a short time previously, been......

White Cross League.

[To vs. EDITOR or Tar "Sraorkvon.." SIR,—It is probably known to comparatively few of your readers that there are at all times a large number of boys at large in London and......

A Swallow Marked "aberdeen, U.n.m. 759.'

[To THU EDITOR or ram "SrscrArop."] Sin,—On Saturday, June 1st, a swallow which had flown into my house and was caught was found to carry a small metal ring upon one of its lege......