22 JUNE 1956, page 24

Good For A Million

COAST TO COAST. By James Morris. (Faber, 21s.) IT must be gratifying to newspaper editors to see their young W ell turning out good books in which they make their professiol e l......

Death Row

FOR eight years now Caryl Chessman has been waiting on San Quentin's death row for execution by gassing; during this time he has found enough loopholes in the Californian law to......

Major And Minor

V. S. ParrcuErr's Collected Stories is a major book, and such a good one that it won't hurt to mention a limitation at once. 'The books we need are of the kind that act upon us......

Wind Harness

CHERISH THE SEA : A History of Sail. By Jean de la Varei Translated by Mervyn Savill. (Sidgwick and Jackson, 30s AT this date when the sky above us with its windy currents......