22 MARCH 1884, page 2

Lord Randolph Churchill, Who Is Nothing Less Than A Con-

servative;—a Tory revolutionist is the name which would, per- haps, best describe him,—bas declared this week not only us favour of Mr. Broadhurst's motion as to leaseholds, but......

Another Philosopher Has Declined To Enter Parliament. At...

Frederic Harrison's letter declining to stand for Leicester is generally so understood, though, as we read it, he would stand, if left absolutely free to speak and vote......

The Second Reading Of The Bill Of The Government—as Altered

by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon—to prevent the importa- tion of foot-and-mouth disease into the United Kingdom, i.e., the Contagious Diseases Animals Act Amendment Bill, was......

So Soon As This Scene Was Over, The Irish Extremists

devoted themselves, during the greater part of Saturday night, to that minute criticism of certain Votes in Supply by which they appear to think that they earn popularity in......

The Cambridgeshire Election Has, Of Course, Gone For The...

servatives. The late Speaker was always a minority Member,. and the late Speaker had a support in the county which no suc- cessor could hope to obtain. Mr. Thornhill, the......

Mr. Broadhurst, On Wednesday, Received Unexpected...

enabling leaseholders in towns to compel their - landlords to sell them the freehold of their occupancies. He made a striking speech, full of evidence as to the wretched system......

The Chinese And French Are Both Excited By The Capture

of Bacninh. In Pekin, the statesmen are looking round for allies, while the war party grows stronger ; and in Paris, the journals say that France must demand an indemnity from......