21 MAY 1942, page 12


Snt—I suggest that this wotd should (and most commonly and co does) follow the general habit of verbal nouns derived from a dissylla compound verb, e.g.—to convict, a convict ;......


Sta,—Following up Mr. Harold Nicolson's remarks on Vansittartism in The ,Spectator of May 8th, you published in your issue of May 15th a letter from Mr. N. S. Gower, in which he......

For Private Circulation

Sut,—You ask whether the action of a paper in reprinting portions of work produced by Major Gimlet for private circulation was legid journalism. May I suggest that if it was......

Sir,—let Us Grant That All Mr. N. S. Gower Says

is correct—viz., that other countries (e.g., France) have had their " Black Record," but have nevertheless "got over it "; and so on. Is it not obvious, all the same, that there......

The Indian Issue

SIR, —I have read Dr. Edwyn Bevan's comment on my letter publi in your issue of May 8th. I am not Congressman, but if my view shared by the Congress it is because of our common......

The Wage-earner's Teeth Sir, -with The Recommendations...

gives in his profession'al capacity, I am not here concerned. Much of what he says is true and useful. He has, however, been sadly misin- formed in what may be called the......

Snobbery And Titles Si11,—while Sympathetically Reading...

in yo issue of May 1st, my mind suddenly switched on to the Preface Hawbuck Grange, one of Surtees's lesser-known works. It is not in to Mr. James's experience on the Berkshire......

Food Wastage

Snt,—Your correspondent, Sir Wm. Beach Thomas, has just got point. It never seems to have struck the authorities that rule us tit if you break up more land and grow more......