22 NOVEMBER 1834, page 2

Et E Ilistrapnikt.

A number of the friends and partisans of the late Ministry have been active in getting up Whig meetings during the week. Their efforts appear to have been only partially......

Etc Court.

THE Duke of Wellington arrived at the Palace, Brighton, about half- past five on Saturday evening, and had an immediate interview with the King. During the consultation, a......

From Stmthfieldsaye To Brighton. Which We Shall Probably...

to say before long. information, on which perfect reliance can be placed, has been af- Department, and was also commissioned by his Majesty to con- duct the business of the......

The Interest Excited In Paris By The Dismissal Of The

British Ministers is so absorbing, that comparatively little notice is taken of the dissolution of the Duke of BASSANO'S Cabinet (which was mentioned in our second impression......

It Is Stated In Some Of The German Papers, That

the Emperor of Austria has given his consent to the marriage of the Duke cf LEUCHTENBERG with the Queen of Portugal.......

Count Munch Bellingrausen, The Austrian Envoy To And...

the Germanic Diet, proposed, at a recent sitting of that body, that a tribunal should be established to determine all disputes which should arise between the several Legislative......

There Is No News To Be Depended Upon From The

Spanish capital ; though a report of the actual resignation of MARTINEZ DE LA Ross has been circulated in Paris. In Navarre, there seems to have been some severe fighting, in......