22 SEPTEMBER 1883, page 3

It Is Believed That The Parnell Fund Will Pass £25,000,

and the largest mortgage on his estate, £13,000, has already been paid off We regret the success of the subscription, because we consider that Mr. Parnell's agitation has done......

A Great Opportunity Is Offered To London. The Duke Of

Bed- ford, in a letter to the Corporation of the City, offers to sell Covent Garden Market and the houses round it, the leases of which are about to fall in. He admits the......

The Plan For Employing Female Doctors In India, One Of

the few thoroughly sensible plans recently started by philanthro- pists, seems likely to be a success. A sum of £4,000 has been raised in Bombay, to guarantee salaries for two......

The Free Library System Extends Slowly. Mr. John Lovell, On

Wednesday week, read a paper to the Library Association, in which he showed that the Act enabling ratepayers to establish such libraries passed in 1850, but in twenty-one years......

We Have Never Been Able To Support The Permissive Bill,

or to endorse what seem to us the exaggerated ideas of Teetotallers, but there is one strong law which we are surprised they do not attempt to carry. What is the argument......

A Rumour Was Circulated Early In The Week That The

Govern- ment of Natal had presented an ultimatum to Cetewayo. He was to surrender within ten days, or he would be arrested. Either, however, the rumour was incorrect, or orders......

Professor Ray Lankester, On Thursday, Read A Long And Vehe-

ment paper in favour of creating appointments for scientific . inquirers. He maintained that knowledge was declining and discovery languishing, because Englishmen, who scattered......

The Lancet Appears To Believe That A Case Of Unprecedented

age capable of verification has at last been discovered. At present the highest age known capable of absolute proof is 106, at which Lady Smith died a few years since. It is......
