22 SEPTEMBER 1888, page 14

C Owper.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sia,—Did not your article refer to the monument erected. to. Cowper's memory in. East Dereham Church by Lady Hesketh,. Hayley supplying the......

Mr. Stevenson On Poets And Painters.

LTO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, Is it not possible to (Heat Mr. Stevenson on his own ground ? Granted that the end of a poet or painter's existence is to please, is......

To Cynthia, Five Years Old. Ix Cynthia's Arbour All The

day May Fancy mingle with the play; Around, like friends with sunny faces, May crowds of buttercups and daisies Tell her the tales of Wonderland ; How merry elfs, clasped......


GLEANERS OF FAME SEPTEMBER SONNET. HEARKEN not, friend, for the resounding din That did the Poet's verses once acclaim : We are but gleaners in the field of fame, Whence the......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator. "] Srn,—thank You For Your

fairness in inserting my letter. If replies to editorial notes are allowed, kindly permit a word more. I have carefully read the debate in a pretty full report (that of the......

" Sneap " Or " Snub P"

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.”] Sin,—The letter in your issue of June 9th, just to hand,. with regard to the use of the word " snap " for " snub " in some districts, puts......

The Corruption Of Roman Art.

[TO THE EDITOR or TER "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — Your article on Mr. Stevenson's views as to the final cause of Art has recalled to my memory a Roman inscription which I saw some......

The Rights Of Children.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, I have only to-day seen the notice in the Spectator of September 8th of the article on " The Rights of Children " in - the Contemporary......