23 AUGUST 2008, page 55

M Ost Ceilings Are Painted White. This Means That, When...

a ceiling, you put white paint on an already white surface, making it hard to see where you’ve been. Glancing up admiringly the next day, you then find you’ve just missed that......

Your Problems Solved

Dear Mary Q. I have just moved into a sizeable townhouse which also comprises a separately owned basement flat (occupied by a young family). The entrance to the flat is set......

Q. The First Week Our New Cleaning Lady Came She

brought some eggs from her own free-range hens which we all agreed were delicious and we thanked her very sincerely. Our problem is that, eight weeks in, she is still bringing......

Q. At The Not Particularly Old Age Of 52 I

am suddenly feeling rather clapped out and past it. I am not bald or fat or ill but I have realised I am becoming demoralised by the lack of anyone, other than Paxman, on the......