23 JANUARY 1875, page 2

Mr. Forster Made An Important Speech On The Commercial Rela-

tions of Canada with the United States on Monday evening, at the annual soirée of the Bradford Chamber of Commerce. He began by recommending the people of Bradford to exhibit at......

It Seems To Be Certain That The Mexican Congress Has

passed a law disestablishing the Roman Catholic Church, forbidding any religious corporation to hold property, prohibiting the establish- ment of any monastic order, and perhaps......

The Seventh Annual Congress Of The Trades' Unions Was Opened

in Liverpool on Monday, the 18th inst. The delegates denounced the Judges' interpretation of the Law of Conspiracy in very strong terms, and would, perhaps, have aocepted a......

Mr. Forster Added A Few Words On Mr. Gladstone's Retirement,

which were wisely reticent, though they were earnest. "It was only those who had been brought into close personal contact with him who knew the high personal example he had Set......

The German Landsturm Bill Is Not Yet Law, But It

has passed the second reading, and is supported by all the Union Liberals. The Military party appear to have carried all their propositions, and to have placed the whole nation......

Mr. Lowe Replied In Thursday's Times To That Attack Of

Lord Russell's on the bandits' of the Cave of Adullam to which we drew attention last week, in writing of Lord Russell, as a strange error of judgment. Mr. Lowe points out that......

The Trades Union Congress Have Shown Moderation And...

more than one direction. Mr. Cremer brought in it a fierce charge against some members of the Congress that they had " sold themselves" to the enemies of labour in relation to......

There Is Nothing New From Spain. Bing Alphonso Has Gone

to the Army, and is coming back again to Madrid, without making much impression. Germany has demanded and received assurances that the Carlists shall be made to pay a fine for......

Is The Government Literally Going To Do Nothing ? Everybody

expected a Local Government measure, but it appears, from a speech of Mr. Clare Read to his constituents, delivered at Harles- ton on Wednesday evening, that Government does not......