23 JANUARY 1897, page 14

Letters To The Editor.

THE INDIAN FAMINE. pro THZ EDITOR OF THE m SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Your readers may like to hear something from an eye- witness of the present condition of the people in one of the......

The Origin Of Taboos.

[To THE EDITOR OF TEl " Spzer.roB.1 SIR,—May I make a few remarks on Mr. Jevons's theory of taboo discussed in the Spectator of January 9th P Mr. Jevons observes (p. 85) that......

Clericalist Church Reform.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:9 Si,—Most of your readers, I doubt not, are in favour of Church reform ; but not all of them would be able to join the Church Reform League.......

Plague-struck Animals.

"E VIDENCE of the intensity and virulence of the Plague in Bombay is given by the curious accounts telegraphed to this country of the deaths of animals from the pestilence. Some......