23 JULY 1836, page 8

The Sinecure Office Of Clerk To The Irish Priv/ Council,

(worth 1,5001. a year,) which has become vacant by the death of Viscount Clifden, is not to be filled up; and the Council-office will in future be under the entire control of......

The Members Of Cathedral Churches Have Memorialized The...

Commissioners against the Established Church Bill. Their arguments are fur the most part the same as those in the petition to Parliament to which the signature of Mr. Sydney......


The Edinburgh Town-Council proceeded on the 15th instant to elect a Professor of Logic for the University of Edinburgh. The can- didates were Sir William Hamilton, Mr. Patrick......

Mr. William Campbell, A Glasgow Merchant, Has Given 2,000...

as a subscription for the first hundred churches that should be built in connexion with the Church of Scotland Extension Committee.......

It Was Mentioned In Our Second Edition Last Week, That

Mr. M.Ghee, the Exeter Hull orator, had written a letter to the Standard, coilfessing that the epistle to the Irish Bishops, which lie ascribed to the Pope in his address on the......