23 JULY 1887, page 15

The Liverpool Cathedral.

[To rue Homo or TER .Srsorrros."] SIR,—Can you find room for a few words upon a matter of considerable public interest, the unexplained delay which has occurred in dealing with......

" Allcard V. Skinner."

[To TITS EDITOR OP TEM "SPECTAT08.1 SIE,—Your article on this case appears to me to rest on a misconception of the principle on which the Court of Appeal proceeded. You argue as......


[To THE EDITOR Or TER SPECTATOR." I Slit, —Will you allow me, while thanking you for the friendly tone of your article on the meeting at the Drapers' Hall to advocate the claims......

Destruction, Not Annihilation.

[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SrscrATes."] SIR,—The reviewer of Prebendary Row on " Future Retribu- tion," in the Spectator for July 16th, observes :—" We cannot say that the various......