23 JULY 1892, page 1

The Return Of Sir Charles Dilke For The Forest Of

Dean Division of Gloucestershire by a very large majority (5,360 against 2,942 for the Conservative, Mr. Colchester-Wemyss), gives the Labour Party a very competent head, who......

Not One Man Of The First Rank, Except Mr. Ritchie,

the head of the Local Government Board, has lost his seat in the House of Commons. Mr. Courtney, whose seat was much threatened, came in for the Bodmin Division of Cornwall by a......

+v The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


News Of The Week.

A SSUMING that Greenock is a gain for the Gladstonians, and that the election in the Orkneys goes for Mr. Gladstone, the following is the result of the General Election of 1892......

The Rumours Circulated As To The Character Of The Ap-

proaching Government are not worth much. Till Mr. Gladstone has received the Queen's commission to form one, which he will not do till he has carried a vote against the present......

It Is, Of Course, Quite Misleading To Count The Labour

votes as only four. It is true that Mr. Burt, Mr. Fenwick, and other Labour candidates regard themselves as good Gladstonians, who may be relied on to give a hearty support to......

England Taken Alone Gives A Majority Of 71 Against Mr.

Gladstone's policy,-268 Unionists to 197 of the Home-rulers, counting the 4 Labourers' representatives and the 1 English (Liverpool) Anti-Parnellite for Mr. Gladstone. Great......