23 JUNE 1855, page 31

Early Christian Art: The Arundel Society. Miss Twining.

The sixth year's issue of the Arundel Society consists of eight en- gravings on wood, in continuation of the series from Giotto's Frescoes in the Arena Chapel at Padua. On......

Site Irts.

ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION: LANDSCAPES. The landscape section does not form a very remarkable lot, yet seve- ral features in it are to be remembered. Mr. Anthony's contribution is......

Signor Monti's Lectures.

The fourth lecture of this series, to which we have before referred was given on Wednesday, continuing the subject of Greek art in its na- tive land and among the Romans. The......


On the 14th June, at Gunton Park, the Lady Suffield, of a son. On the 15th, at Bamburgh Castle, Northumuerlaad, the Wife of M. R. Bigge, Esq., prematurely, of a son, stillborn.......

Landsber's Waterloo.

Waterloo week-if there is such a thing during the French alliance- has been appropriately marked by the issue of tickets to view, at Messrs. Jennings's establishment in......