23 JUNE 1883, page 3

The Ancient And Extraordinary Charge Against The Jews Of...

human beings in their Passover rites has been revived in Hungary. A girl named Esther Solymosi was recently mur- dered, or supposed to be murdered, at Tisza Esslar, and certain......

The Irish Members Are Always Most Successful When They Ask

for money. On Wednesday, Mr. Blake moved the second reading of a Bill ordering that a quarter of a million should be granted from the remaining funds of the Irish Church to......

On Monday Night Lord Salisbury Asked Lord Granville In The

Lords, and Mr. Warton and Mr. Lowther asked the Prime Minister in the Commons, if their attention had been called to the speech of Mr. Chamberlain at Birmingham, advocating......

Two Important Irish Returns Have Been Issued This Week Whose

figures are too eloquent to need comment. One is the return of agrarian offences during the month of May. The number of offences against the person amounted to 5,-2 of firing......

Lord Carnarvon Made A Very Sensible Speech On...

on Tuesday at Newbury, in which he deprecated the disposition to rely on Government for help in relation to such matters as agricultural depression, and quite admitted that so......

The Polling For Peterborough, For A Successor To Mr....

was going on yesterday, and the result will be known before this journal is issued. The only candidates in the field were Mr. Sydney Buxton,—who has recently exerted .himself to......

Mr. Peter Taylor Has Done A Great Service To Sanitation.

On Tuesday he moved a resolution declaring the compulsory laws for vaccination " unadvisable and dangerous," and made a. speech repeating all the old arguments, the best of......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent, Consols Were On Friday 100i

to wag x.d.......