23 JUNE 1906, page 15

The Late Rev. H. F. Mallet.

[To Tile EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—You do not often publish obituary notices, but it seems fitting that some record should appear in the Spectator of one who was for so......

An Appeal To Nonconformist Laymen. [to Tile Editor Or Tel

"SPECTATOR."] SIR,—There are many Nonconformists (and I include myself in the number) who deeply appreciate the letter which appears in your issue of June 16th entitled "An......

British Settlers In South Africa. [to The Editor. Op The

..spaaravon.1 SIR,—In your "News of the Week " in the Spectator of June 16th I see that you mention that Mr. Churchill said in the House of Commons on June 8th that "only......

A Proposed Clerical Memorial To The Archbishops.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It seems to be taken for granted that the clergy are uncompromising in their opposition to the Education Bill, and will be satisfied......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator:1

SIR,—As my name appears in the letter of Mr. Fordham in your issue of the 16th inst., will you kindly allow me an explanation ? I did not see the manifesto printed at the foot......

[to The Editor Or The "spectator. "]

SIR,—The admirable article on " Signs of Compromise" in your issue of June 9th contains a statement which I am sure you will be pleased to modify after reading what I am glad to......

A Wraith.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Obviously I refrain from giving correct names, but I have personally certified every detail, and vouch for the correctness of the......