23 MARCH 1839, page 12

The Tieeatres.

THE opening of the Haymarket and the closing of the Adelphi are the only incidents of the week. KxownEs's charming comedy, The Love Oast', which was played for somewhere about......

T111 , , Corn-law 1)1 Vis10n-3losoe 31.a.1011. It Y Aga I...

wit vI1.1.1E15's MOT ION rot; A it ii Ern: E or '1 1 11r. wri01,11 cos,00ric THE uoi:N-I.‘WS. Aeland. T. 11.. . .1.. Dia, J., Haellhire - - . ',Irving, J., Antiim . East, .1. IL......

Military Gazette.

• Arai-Oirrrcz. Mar ch..22 ,, Ath Regt. Liobt Dragwns-Coriket J. It. J. Roles to be Lieut. by purchase. vine Inrysiale, whose proininkiii 14th, September last, has not taken......