23 MARCH 1867, page 2

This Tornado Case Seems To Grow Every Day More Serious.

Spain, it will be remembered, has released forty-five of the fifty-one sailors imprisoned, but detained the Captain and six men to "give evidence" for the captors. The seven......

A Very Singular Rumour Of A New Design Entertained By

the Emperor of the French has obtained currency this week. It is stated that Napoleon has addressed proposals, formal or informal, to Belgium, Switzerland, and Holland to enter......

The Servian Despatches Presented To Parliament On...

think, add considerably to Lord Stanley's reotation. The Servian demand, it will be remembered, was that the Turks should evacuate all their fortresses in the Principality, that......

Extraordinary Intelligence Has This Week Been Received...

Pope, who is a man with a conscience, has at length been moved by the utter misery to which brigandage has reduced the districts on his southern frontier. Finding his Zouaves......

Lord Redesdale's Bill For The Protection Of Railway...

their creditors was smashed on Tuesday by Lord Cairns. In a speech of exquisite lucidity he showed that the Bill granted the Companies a "complete immunity from execution for......

The Last French Soldier Quitted Mexico On March 16. Mr.

Johnson has not ordered a 7's Deum for this great victory of the Union.......

There Was A Carious Scene In The House Of Commons

on Tuesday night. Mr. Peter Taylor was to call the attention of the Home to the recent promotion of Mr. Churchward (who had been found guilty of corrupt practices by a vote of......

Events Seem To Be Forcing On The Reorganization Of London.

The Metropolitan Board of Works only obtained an extension of the coal and wine duties on condition of carrying an improvement rate. It has proposed one of 4d. in the pound,......

As It Seems Likely That The Liberals Have Almost Made

up their minds to make the Small Tenements' Act universal below houses rated at 5/., and then to make the borough suffrage and "personal payment of rates" conterminous, there is......

The Prussian Government Has Published A Treaty With...

in August last, by which each power guarantees the other's dominions. The Bavarian Army, moreover, is to be organized on the Prussian system, and in time of war, offensive or......

There Is Something Wrong In The Sky. It Can't Stop

snowing, though the sun is again north of the Equator. The Clifton people complain that it has been snowing five weeks, and that there are eight inches of snow on the ground......