23 MAY 1846, page 9

In The House Of Lords, The Marquis Of Normanby, Moving

for a return of the murders and attempts at murder in Ireland since the commence- ment of the present year, attacked Ministers for their " tardy and dew- ' dling" procedure in......

We Have Been Favoured, By A Highly Respectable Commercial...

with the following postcript to a letter from New York, dated two o'clock on the 7th, that is, one hour before the Great Western sailed. " Very important in- formation has just......

Ii.r. Burrs Resolutions Respecting The West India Colonies.

[To be moved on reesday the 26th May.] 1st. That the improvement of the agricultural resources of the British West India Colonies Is an object of great national importance,......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The House of Commons had great work in hand last night: first, air attempt to rescue Mr. Smith O'Brien from his prison,—which proved un- successful; second, the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, rarear Arrkatfoorr. The English Funds have been in a drooping state, and the general tendency of the market downwards. The business transacted has not been......

East India Shipping. Axxstme—at Gravesend, 18th May,...

and Bucephalus, Bell, from Calcutta; Chaucer, Elder, from Ceylon ; Johanna, Davidson, from Mauritius ; and Ann, Softly, from the Cape ; 19th, libido°, Beard, from Sydney ; 20th,......