23 NOVEMBER 1951, page 28

Shorter Notices

Winston Churchill. By J. G. Lockhart. (Duckworth. 6s.) To cover the seventy-seven years of Mr. Churchill's life in just over twice as many pages, and to cover them adequately,......

Tidelines. By Keith Shackleton. (litter- Worth Press....

THIS picture-book of birds aims at giving atmosphere rather than scientific detail. Like Mr. Peter Scott, who writes a foreword and was trained in ornithology by the same head-......

Those, And They Were Many, Who Found Pleasure In That

unusual book The Confes- sions of an Un-common Attorney, will no doubt welcome this posthumous volume of essays and papers from the same hand, with a short memoir of the author......

We Are Informed By The Burke Publishing , Company That

the contents of their B.B.C. Children's Hour Annual are, with one excep- tion, new and original work, and not, as stated in our review last week, " collected from the various......