23 OCTOBER 1869, page 3

The Queen Has Agreed, If Her Health Permit, To Open

the Hol- born Viaduct in person on the 6th November, to the great joy of the City, which has, however, resolved to give no entertainment on the occasion. A rumour was circulated......

In The Course Of His Speech, Mr. Grant Duff Took

occasion to repudiate in the most emphatic terms any idea of annexing Northern Burmah, but stated that the attention of Government had been directed to the neglected valley of......

The People Of Cattaro Are Up In Arms Against The

Austrian Government. The pretext is the new conscription for the landwehr, the real reason that the Montenegrins behind want an outlet of their own to the sea. They are clients......

Consols Were On Friday Evening 93i To 931.


The Policy Of The Government On The New Zealand Question

is certainly very shabby. We quoted last week from the despatch in which the Duke of Newcastle approved the policy now so bitterly assailed by Lord Granville and with the......

The Bishop Of Peterborough (dr. Magee) Made An Excellent...

to a working-class meeting at Leicester on Wednesday, of which the chief point was that whatever wealth and enjoyments the progress of material civilization might bring to the......

The Papers Quote An Account Of An Association Which Is

to be formed to watch the Police of London, and prosecute every in- stance of delinquency. We suppose this is a joke, but it pre- cisely expresses the feeling of the public. It......

Mr. Grant Duff, On Wednesday, Addressed His Constituents...

in a long and striking speech. After his annual review of Continental affairs, in which he contrived to hint an impression that disturbances might arise in France, and a......

Mr. Holt, The Member For North-east Lancashire, Spoke At A

great Conservative demonstration at Newchurch-in-Rossendale on Wednesday, when he carefully coquetted with the Protectionist movement, declining to say that the Lancashire......

Bristol Has Reduced Her Death-rate From 28 Per Thousand To

22f, saving about 1,000 lives a year. This is due mainly to a system established and maintained by Mr. Davies, an energetic officer of health. Under him are four inspectors, and......