23 OCTOBER 1942, page 14

Snt,—may I, As A Methodist Minister, Reply To Mr. P.

A. Shaw's letter? He has made a slip in the date of " the Collection of Hymns " ; he intended to write 5875, not i885. I agree that, generally, the " old familiar " hymns should......

The Problem Of Italy

Sta,—In his kind review of my book on Italy Mr. Alan Rock says that I strongly incline " to present Fascism as no more than a Newgate Calendar episode in the development of......

Country . Life

Two small Cockney boys, emigrated to my part of the country, were returning to their lodging after a day's work in the fields. They had been gathering potatoes with zeal and......

Food Wastage

Sta,—I recently came across, in a town far from here, what seems to me, in its particular quality, the most shocking instance of war-time waste in my experience. Shopkeepers......

Prison Or Institution

SIR,—In an article on " Women in Prison," the writer states that " old- timers " openly say that they prefer prison to the poor law institution, because they are compelled to......

The Indian Situation

SIR,—From Mr. Amery's speech in the recent debate on India I learn that Mr. Gandhi is allowed to see newspapers, though not to communi- cate with friends. I withdraw therefore......