23 OCTOBER 1993, page 25

Legless In Alma

MY QUEST for the six-legged yurt of Kazakhstan, hexapodus ineredibilis banco- mundialis (City and Suburban, 9 October) has been joined by Mr F.R. Cannings, who writes to say......

Subsidence Policy

MY SAINTED forerunner Nicholas Dav- enport met a duke in Brooks's Club who asked him what he did. 'Well', said Nicholas, 'I'm on the board of an insurance company.' Funny thing,......

Silver Jubilee

DINNER AT Salters Hall this week marks the hundredth birthday of the family firm with the best address m the City — Number One, Royal Exchange. This is Searle's, the......

Bats In The Banks

BARCLAYS' NEW head office is the worst thing the banks have done for the environment lately. They do not pollute rivers or drop acid rain on Scandinavia or disturb the bats in......

City And Suburban

Solomon sets out to bind the Belgians, and Kenneth Clarke's options narrow CHRISTOPHER FILDES S olomon Binding is alive and living in Belgium. This discredited figure has not......

King Fed V. The Gonzilla

A CENTRAL banker's life, as Mr Ver- plaetse can confirm, is full of hazards. Mar- garet Thatcher thought the Bank of Eng- 12ind was a nest of wets and crypto-Keyne- sians. She......