24 DECEMBER 1892, page 1

Sir E. J. Reed Has Got A Large Majority Of

his Cardiff con- stituents to endorse his letter to the Chairman of the Liberal Association there, and he evidently holds that he has secured the gratitude of the moderate......

Mr. Gladstone Has Gone To Biarritz For Three Weeks At

least. Ministers have dispersed to all parts of the Kingdom, and no more Cabinets will be held till the middle of January. It is evidently believed by those who have the beet......

The Evidence, However, Of M. Andrieux, Formerly Prefect...

in Paris, whether it is confirmed or not, will enormously increase the agitation. He is believed to be venomous, but trustworthy, and he produced a photograph of a memorandum in......

News Of The Week.

T HE sensations based on the Panama Scandals multiply in Paris. The Government, alarmed by the tone of the public mind, and by the narrowness of its majority against investing......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


It Is Certain That Many Eminent Frenchmen, And Some Foreign

observers of experience, regard the situation as fraught with immediate danger, and, no doubt, anything may happen with Paris in such a mood. The rumours, however, of Prince......