24 JANUARY 1914, page 22


THE EURASIAN.' THE literature of Indian unrest is no longer confined to contra. versial, didactic, or propagandist works. Novelists, more or less well equipped, are beginning to......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Tinder We heading sae native ems% Books of the auk as haws not ton swerved for review in other forms.] Elizabethan Rogues and Vagabonds. By Frank Aydelotte. (Clarendon Press.......

Circulation By T. And A. Constable.)—dawid Laing, Who Is...

known to the general reader of to-day chiefly through Carlyle's commendation of him as the ideal editor of John Knox's works, was a very remarkable figure in the literary......

Readable Novera.—the Happy-go-lucky Di - Organs. By...

6s.)—The Morgans are a most delightful Welsh family, who live at Baiham, and, thanks to Mr. Thomas's little sketches, and in spite of his tendency to repetition, we love them......

Tales From Ariosto. By J. Shield Nicholson. (macmillan...

6a.)—It is open to question whether it be ever worth While to "adept," or translate with any freedom, the work of nations or centuries other than our own; and we are inclined to......

Loot. By Horace Annesley Vachell. (john Murray. 63.) —mr....

in the preface to his new book, assumes an apologetic attitude for giving to the world a collection of short stories instead of a more solid contribution to literature ; and......