24 JULY 1875, page 2

A Large Meeting Was Held At Willis's Rooms On Friday

week to further the project of founding a Memorial to Lord Byron. Mr. Disraeli was in the chair, and warmly advocatql the project. He _ extolled Byron's poetry for the "sublime......

Sir Robert Phillimore's Judgment In The Case Of "jenkins...

to which we referred briefly last week, and on which we have written more fully to-day, has produced a startling effect on the public. Even the Guardian evidently regrets that......

The Elections In Bavaria Have Ended In A Small Majority

for the Ultramontanes. The figures are not yet clear, for as tele- graphed they will not add up, but it is understood that the Clericals have a majority of two or three. Last......

A Judgment Delivered On Saturday By Lord Gifford In Edin-

burgh, in relation to a ship called the 'Bard of Avon,' appears to have had some influence in exciting Mr. Plimsoll's already over- strung nerves on Thursday, on the subject of......

Sir R. Baggallay Stated Last Week That The Premier Would

this week inform the House what Bills he intended to retain. The House therefore expected on Monday a huge slaughter of Bills, and the Times on Monday named the principal ones......

It Is Believed That Mr. Disraeli Has Settled With His

Conserva- tive supporters, assembled in private caucus, to pass the Agricul- tural Holdings BilL They hate it, and the array of amendments is endless, but the Premier is firm.......

The Government Of Washington Have Got The Black Hills. The

Sioux find fighting too dangerous, and have accepted $25,000, or /5,000, to resign their rights in the territory. It will now be thoroughly explored, the best mines worked by......

The French Government Is Beginning To Play Tricks Again. In

order to have time to carry out the provisions of the Constitutional Law, which orders that the Senate must be elected a month before the Dissolution, and that the Assembly must......

The Home Secretary On Monday Hinted That It Was Not

intended to remove the Vicar of Spalding from the Bench, as he had served for many years, and would probably not offend again. This intimation appears greatly to have cheered......