24 JULY 1880, page 1

Mr. Forster Has Named His Commission To Inquire Into The

operation of the Irish Land Act of 1870. It is to consist of five Members, Lord Bessborough, who is to be its chairman ; Mr. Shaw, the Member for Cork County ; Mr. Baron Dowse,......

There Is Every Probability Of Another War At The Cape.

The Government of the colony, with the consent, of course, and perhaps on the advice of Sir Bartle Frere, have ordered the disarmament of the Basutos, the tribe which furnished......

• ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In

any case.......

The House Of Commons Has Invented A New Mode Of

suppress- ing bores. In the discussion on Mr. Forster's Compensation for Disturbance (Ireland) Bill on Monday night, while Mr. Arthur O'Connor was prosing on at great length, to......

Mr. Forster's Compensation For Disturbance (ireland) Bill...

through all its various stages, except the third reading. On Thursday night Mr. Forster fixed the limit to the Bill at holdings of which the valuation was not above £30......

The Rumours From Constantinople Are Still Indefinite. The...

the Telegraph telegraphs from theuco on Thursday that the Sultan has decided to refuse compliance with the Collective Note, and the balance of very conflicting evidence is in......

News Of The Week.

T HE news from Afghanistan is "mixed." On the one hand, Yakoob Khan's party have agreed to support Abdurrahman Khan, and have gone to visit him at Charikar, and all diffi-......