24 JUNE 1905, page 10

Report Of A Visit To American Educational Institutions.

Report of a Visit to American Educational Institutions. By E. S. A. Robson, M.Sc. (Sherratt and Hughes. ls. net.)—Mr. Robson, whose own work lies in the province of technical......

A Picture-book Of Nuremberg.

Nuremberg. Painted by Arthur G. Bell. Described by Mrs. Arthur G. BelL (A. and C. Black. 75. 6d. net.)—This is an attractive specimen of Messrs. Black's smaller series of books......

Logie : A Parish History. By R. Menzies Fergusson, M.a.

Vol. I. (A. Gardner, Paisley.)—Mr. Fergusson devotes this first volume, after an introductory chapter on Logie Parish, which was a prebend of Dunblane Cathedral, to his......

The Staple Of News.

The Staple of News. By Ben Jenson. Edited by De Winter. " Yale Studies in English," XXVILL (H. Holt and Co., New York. $2.)—Yale University has been distinguishing itself of......

Gubbio, Past And Present. By Laura Mccracken. Illustrated...

McCracken. (David Nutt. 5s. net.)—There could not be a more delightful little book about an old city than this about Gable. The place is very little known, and this fact......

A Picture-book Of Norway.

Norway. By Nico Jungman. Text by Beatrix Jungman. (A. and C. Black. 20s. net.)—No more delightful book on Norway has ever been published than this joint work of Mr. and Mrs.......