24 JUNE 1955, page 43

Weed Control

The great secret in keeping a garden free from weeds or any land clean is one that good gardeners and farmers know. The weeds must be taken before they get a chance to seed.......

Country Life

BY IAN NIALL 'I THOUGHT you might perhaps be interested in an extract from Sir Simonds d'Eurs's History of Parliament,' says Mrs. M. W. Acworth, of London, NW3. "On Thursday......

Ezra Pound's Maqberley. By John J. Espey. (faber, 15s.) The

CLASSIC ANTHOLOGY DEFINED BY CONFUCIUS. Translated by Ezra Pound. (Faber, 30s.) THE first thing that is likely to strike any ana- lyst of the poetic style of Ezra Pound is that......

Olive Schreiner, Her Friends And Times. By D. L. Hobman.

(Watts, 15s.) CENTENARIES bring out the worst in journal- i sts, which is understandable enough when Public taste draws so few distinctions between hero and villain, and Olive......

Squirrels And Siskins

Where large areas have been planted with conifers, the bird and animal life that goes with these trees thrives. One of the hopeful things is that the red squirrel stands a......

New Novels

MME. YOURCENAR'S recoastruction of an age and outlook in her Memoirs of Hadrian is ambitious enough to be judged by the severest standards. For it attempts that (in fiction)......

Carved Messages •

There lurks in all of us a thought for the briefness of earthly life and a desire to leave something of ourselves for posterit?. A.B. carves on the tree the legend that he loves......