24 JUNE 1966, page 29

Crossword No. 1227

1. - 9. 15. 21. 23. ACROSS It's reckless, though, to assume that Old Nick may be soft-hearted! (5-3-4) Wearers of mini-skirts have no use for these cricketers! (4-5)......

Chess By Philidor

No. 288 C. PROMISLO (and Prize, Boston Transcript, 1919) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 287 (Becker): R-B 4, threat R-K 4. I PY.R=Q; 2......

Solution To Crossword No. 1226 Across.-e-1 Sit On The Fence.

9 Belvedere. 10 Turin. II Trout. 12 Elizabeth. 13 Simplon. 15 Grcavcs. 17 Donegal. 19 Battles. 21 GliesneVin. 23 'Canoe. 24 Eliza. 25 Ring a bell. 26 I spy stranger,. . DOWN.-2......