24 MARCH 1877, page 24

The Tender Toe : Essays On Gout. By William Lomas,

M.D. (Effingham Wilson.)—This is a sensibly-written little book, and the gouty would do well to follow its precepts. That they will do so of their own accord, without pressure......

Lion Jack: Adventures In The Capturing Of Wild Beasts. By

P. T. Barnum. (Sampson Low and Co.)—The exciting nature of the adven- tures of which Lion Jack is the hero is only equalled by their impro- bability. The whole book might be......

A Very Seasonable Reprint Is Turkey, Being Sketches From...

by the Roving Englishman. (Routledge.)—The papers of which the volume is in part composed were published in Household Words, and were re- printed with additions about......