24 MARCH 1950, page 20

But, Despite These Defects, Here Is A Lively, Intelligent...

most attractive version of the story of France, full of scholarly learning and penetration, and spiced with wit and the telling phrase. Some of M. Maurois's judgements are......

M. Maurois's Method Is To Tell His Story In Some

sixty short consecutive chapters, each of which is a kind of essay on a minor theme, interspersed with occasional sweeping general surveys of broad development. It is an......

Editor, Philip Graves. Illustrated. 12s. 6d.

EMILY HAHN: England to Me 'With uninhibited good humour Miss Hahn reports on British morals, British manners, and a certain very British Major.' New York Times. The Evening......

Brilliantly Supplies."—new Statesman. 12s. 6d. Net.

FICTION THE EDGE OF DOOM By LEO BRAD Y Winner of the Annual Golden Book Award of the Catholic Writers' Guild. • " An impressive outing to the Graham Greene country."—Evening......