24 MAY 1879, page 15

[to The Editor Of The "spectator. " ] Sib,—your...

" Probability as the Guide of Conduct " seems to me hardly to take sufficiently into con- sideration,—first, that man is a complex being, whose conduct is influenced by a great......

Probability As The Guide Of Conduct.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECT ATOR:1 So.,—Have you, in your to-day's review of Mr. Gladstone's paper on the above subject, quite done justice to the spirit of liberality and......

The Victoria University.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—I hope the promoters of the new University will recon- sider its name. If the Queen's name is desired, she ought to have her title,......

The Irish Synod On Screens.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Srn,—On May 3rd, you published a contemptuous article ou the Church of Ireland, entitled, " The Irish Synod on Screens,' and on the 10th,......


BEGABTERED Earl, whose name shall live For England never to forgive, When the clear voice of truer men Calls Peace and Honour back again,— Spirits, that at thine insult flee,......