24 MAY 1890, page 2

The French Senate Has Passed A Bill Enabling The Magis-

trates to punish printed insults to officers of State by summary sentences, as insults to individuals are already punished. The Bill was strongly defended in the Chamber by the......

In His Speech At Lowestoft On Saturday, Mr. Gladstone Capped

completely his speeches of the previous day by saying that what is alleged concerning the atrocities of the Mahom- medan officials in Armenia, is nothing to compare in guilt......

To Those Who Actually Hear Him, Mr. Gladstone Can Never

be uninteresting. There is far too much play in his face, too much music in his voice, too much energy in his action. But to those who only read his speech at Norwich yesterday......

Lord Salisbury, Speaking In The Merchant Taylors' Hall On...

made some important statements about Africa. He denied utterly the rumours of his having surrendered British territory. He had surrendered nothing, for no agreement had been......

A Telegram Has Been Published In London Stating That The

American President has determined to veto "the Silver Bill." That is, we imagine, not the case. The President dreads in- flation, and will veto any Bill for the free coinage of......

Mr. Burt, M.p. For Morpeth, Presided On Tuesday At An

International Conference representing 265,000 miners of all nations, held at Jolimont, in Belgium. He made an admirable speech, declaring that there was among British miners no......

Lord Wemyss On Monday Made A Wildly Discursive Speech In

the Upper House against Socialistic legislation, which means, in his mouth, any legislation not intended to put down crime or free men from restrictions. During the five years,......