24 MAY 1913, page 3

At The End Of Last Week The Evidence Given Before

the Committee on Irish Finance, presided over by Sir Henry Primrose, was issued in a Blue-book. The Committee, it will be remembered, was appointed in April 1911 to report upon......

Mr. William O'brien, M.p., Addressing A Meeting At...

County Cork, on Sunday, condemned the Government for their refusal to conciliate the Unionist minority in Ireland They had not made a single substantial offer to the opponents......

But This Defalcation Is Only The Beginning Of The System

of fraud. The fund, allowing for the ordinary accretions and for a rate of interest of only 24 per cent.—for some pre- posterous reason no interest at all has been paid—should......

We Greatly Regret That Sir Edward Carson Should Have...

the King's name into the controversy, and we feel bound to protest against his doing so. His action, how- ever, is only another proof of the extreme unwisdom of the Government......

The Engineering Supplement Of The Times On Wednesday...

account of the third and last section of the " Triple Canal Project" which is now irrigating a vast terri- tory in the Punjab. The Lower Ban Doab Canal, which has just been......

Bank Rate,41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Percent. April 17th.

Consols (2D were on Friday 74k—Friday week 7516.......

Mr. L. J. Maxse, Who Was Entertained By The Sylvan

Debating Club on Tuesday evening, spoke with much force and good feeling on the subject of editorial obligations. From a recent experience of his own he gathered that......

The Anti-slavery And Aborigines Protection Society Has...

a third memorandum, which has been presented to the Government, on Portuguese slavery. Last August the Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs asked the Committee for evidence "in......