24 MAY 1924, page 22

Books Of Reference.

This indispensable compilation is now in its eighty-seventh year. Evidently British publishing has fully recovered from the effects of the War, for the total number of books......

The Annual Register For 1923. Edited By Dr. M. Epstein.

(Longmans. 30s. net.) An inefficient index detracts from the usefulness of this lucid and, in other respects, admirable summary of domestic and foreign history during the past......

That Good And Faithful Servant, Crockfcrrd, Has Increased...

and bulk. There are now full lists of Naval, Military and Prison Chaplains, and the hitherto inconvenient section relating to Rural Deaneries has been rearranged with advantage.......


THE WAY OF THE WICKED. "IN this kind world," writes Mr. Powys, at a point in Mark Only where his contention has already been abundantly justified, "when once a man hurts his......

The Stock Exchange Official Intelligence For 1924....

net.) The forty-second volume of the ponderous Stock Exchange Official Intelligence contains its customary mass of reliable information and is, of course, one of the most......

Dare's Gift, And Other Stories. By Ellen Glasgow. (john...

7s. 6d. not.) These stories, which deal with supernatural, or rather supernormal events, differ from others of their kind inasmuch as they atttmpt to illustrate the effect left......

Sell's Telegraphic Addresses Has Attained To Remarkable...

thirty-ninth year, and now contains over three thousand pages in which the names of 100,000 firms appear. It is, of course, one of the most valuable commercial reference books......

Finance-public & Private.

[BY OUR CITY EDITOR.] THE OUTLOOK. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, — Approval of the main lines of the Budget is graclu , ally giving place in the City to an increasing......

Debrett's House Of Commons And The Judicial Bench, 1924....

and Son. 20s. net.) This trustworthy Parliamentary guide is complete withbiogra- plies of Members and statistics relating to their constituencies, and even includes a glossary......