24 MAY 1968, page 28

The Case For An Election Now

Sir: Rarely has the SPECTATOR, even under its present regime, which has gone a long way already -towards making it an organ of ill- thought-through views, lent itself to so many......

A Scottish Assembly

LETTERS From: Mrs Winifred Ewing. MP, T.C. Skeffing- ton-Lodge, E. E. Bonn,r''S McKinlay, !an McKendrick, Timothy Harrison, S. M. Had- dock, Robert E. Walters I. G. Wood, Brian......

City Diary

CHRISTOPHER FILDES I learn of a new and disagreeable addition to the Government's methods for getting its way with industry. As a contribution to the incomes policy, the price......

Market Report

CUSTOS There are signs of a quieter and more nervous market. The Financial Times index has moved irregularly, a few points either way from the 465 mark. What is noticeable,......