24 NOVEMBER 1832, page 18

It Seems Probable That Two German Companies Will Find Their

way to this country next season. One of them is to be engaged by the new lessee of the King's Theatre. This is rather a dan- gerous game for -him to play. The effect of bringing......

Covent Garden Theatre—the Adelphi.

SHERIDAN KNOWLES'S personation of William Tell has esta- blished him as an actor. His performance of the Hunchback was deemed extraordinary as a spontaneous effort of natural......

We Learn, With Pleasure, That Willman Has Been Elected A

member of the Philharmonic Society. This distinction could not have been more fitly or worthily bestowed.......

Musical Chat.

THE work of reform is proceeding in the Philharmonic - Society exactly as we could wish. Instead of being the arena for mise- rable intrigue and mere personal advancement, the......

We Noticed The Resignation Of Sir John Rogers As The

Pre- sident of the Madrigal Society; and we have great pleasure in learning that Mr. W. LINLEY has been elected his successor. The name of LINLEY is so associated with English......

While' Talking About Managers And Actors, We Cannot...

deprecating a little bit of malicious triumph which is in- dulged in by YATES at the expense of LAPORTE, in the introduc- tion to the laughable extravaganza brought out at the......

The Manager Of Covent Garden Has Prudently Determined On...

the theatre only three or four nights in the week, until Christmas • and the actors have agreed to submit to a reluction - of their salaries one half during this period. We......