24 NOVEMBER 1990, page 61

Solution To 983: Crackers Irmirl Gi Vomizm 1 E Eel I T

' 1'1 A AS narl T rirrirl LE lin CO A dr .. RIM BERME MI- u 11 illrEl c rinla , re IMF T ki a S I U RAV A 'A rico sri 1 0 Lli Arc u anidrjrind so n FT 1N'CIE TVANIr 0 MEI s w 1......

Ev Yas Regiz

COMPETITION citIVAS REG: - , 10 12 YEAR OLD -- g/ SCOTCH WHISKY The Gulf man Jaspistos 12 YEAR OLD SCOTCH WHISKY I n Competition No. 1652 you were asked for a sonnet addressed......

Crossword 986: Constellation By Mass

A first prize of 120 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers English Dictionary — ring the word ' Dictionary') for the first three correct......

No. 1655: Pansy

D. Fl. Lawrence's Pansies was a collection of free-verse pieces in which he often fretted or raged against aspects of the world around him. What would he be on about today? Your......