24 SEPTEMBER 1932, page 26

The Fugitive. By James Lei G H. (hou G Hton. 7s. Fid.)-...

Powers had 'been sensible and done what his solicitor told him, there would have been no story. The Fugitive sets a g ood pace, but we tired before the end.......

Man Or Pride. By A. E. Warin G Ton. (lon G . 7s. 6d.)-

Captain Strand allowed himself to lose both his ship and his master's ticket for the only woman he had ever loved : and he had no reward. A pleasant, mildly told story of life......

Tue Solid Man. By O'reilly Co G Hlan. (faber And Faber. 7s.

6d.) -This story of a shady, hard-drinkin g and hi g hly re- spectable business man g ains in force from bein g told by a nephew who unconsciously promises to g o the same way.......

The Offence. By Pierre Bost. (elkin Mathews. 7s. 6d.)- There

is a fine frenzy about M. Bost's description of a youn g man's life in Paris which makes it not only an admirable study of Simon and his friends, but an extremely lively piece......

Glorious Flames. By Elinor Glyn. (benn. 9d.)-" To Think That

ten minutes should make such a difference!' Amelia, Lady Pomeroy whispered to Lord Charles Andover in the Chapel at Dayre Arden while the twins were bein g christened. One, the......

Magnificent Obsession. By Lloyd C. Dou G Las. (allen And...

6d.)-An excellent tale of a youn g American who became a g reat doctor. It has a complicated plot, briskly beneath it all is dealt with ; but the serious appreciation,......

White Pagan. By Clive Dalton. (grayson. 7s. 6d.)- Kitchie...

had to choose between his love for Vivienne and his love for the Malayans amon g whem he was brou g ht up. We are g lad to say that the Malayans won. Mr. Dalton writes with an......

Motley And Mr. Pinch. By Pearson Choate. (faber And Faber.

7s. 13d.)-Mr. Pinch was a country curate, Motley the Shakespearean actor who roused him to successfully mili- tant Christianity. Mr. Choate has a sense of humour, and follows......

Deepening River. By Dot Allen. (jarrolds. 7s. 6d.)- The...

who were makin g sails by the Clyde when the Pretender came, and steel ships in the Great War, are a real and human family, and their adventures and their steadily g rowin g......

Further Fiction

THE DOVE AND ROEBUCK. By Ena Limebeer. (Dent. 6s.)- " On the corner of the villa g e street, opposite the three bri g ht red brick villas, stands a tall, s q uare buildin g with......

Foreign Bodies. By Nikolai Gubsky. (elkin Mathews. 7s....

family escaped to Londo n after the downfall of the Tsar, and tried to g et used to En g lish life. Mr. Gubsky is fully alive to the comedy and the tra g edy of their efforts.......

Travels Throu G H Massachusetts, Connecticut,...

Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Kentucky in the years 1821-24, to g ether with Some Account of the People he met, the Thin g s they did and said, the Son g s they san g and the......

The Red_ House. By Else Jerusalem. (werner Laurie. 7s....

who can stomach the subject of this novel will find it exceedin g ly well done. Those who cannot (the 1 home is prostitution) are advised to leave it alone.......

Bellows To Me-nd. By Esther Graham. (methuen. 7s....

anta g onism between mother and dau g hter with a huntin' back g round, competently mana g ed, and readable.......

The Clever Ones. By R. Ralei G H Kin G . (palmer. '7's....

at a School for Actors g ives a ready-made novel to any writer with a sense of humour and an eye for character. The tale of the clever ones at the Bricrcliffe is well enou g h......

Jubilee. By Jeffery Marston. (bles. 7s. 6d.)-la Tho- Rou...

chronicle of the life of a g ood-hearted nannie, who lived and died in the service of the family to which she had g one when she was seventeen. It is a well-deserved tribute to......

The Hair Shirt. By Doris Westwood. (hutchinson. 7s....

lon g and pleasantly-sentimental story, with its clearly defined characters and natural dialo g ue, cal be confidently recommended to women readers.......

Fnumtv's Moon. By Cecilia Willou G Hby. (cape. 7s. 6d.)-...

tale of the wanton sister and the sterlin g plain one, set amon g the Yorkshire moors and deeply infected by the works of Mary Webb. Mebbe the dialect is g ood for the tellin g......

Madame Maillart. By Claude Aveline. (bodley Head. 7s....

is an unusual settin g for a love-story, and a certain unreality in the youn g lovers is hardly surprisin g : but the minor characters and Madame Maillart, the a g ein g woman......

Snow On Water. By Merle Eyles. (faber And Faber. 7s.

6d.)-An excellent story of a Finnish medical student and of his conflicts with Russia and with the Russian blood in himself. It is a tra g edy, but there is real beauty in Miss......