25 APRIL 1925, page 15

* * * Another Danger Of A Very Familiar Kind

is that a subsidy always tends to become permanent. Employers who have been subsidized tell you that the withdrawal of the subsidy simply means an industrial collapse. In his......

* * * The Experiment Which A Few Weeks Ago

saved the Vauxhall Coal Mine near Wrexham from being closed down has been watched with great sympathy. The miners undertook to work the colliery themselves, having raised with......

We Greatly Regret To Record The Death Of Lady Frederick

Cavendish which severs a very old bond with the Spectator. For many years she was one of our most regular correspondents. A member of the distinguished Lyttelton family, she......

Of The Skill And Resource Shown By Flight-commander Booth...

ex-Naval Officer) and his crew the experts must speak, but we may express our admiration of a spirit which shows that the Air Force is building a tra- dition worthy of a sister......

* * Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4

per cent. on March 5th, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Thursday 102 4; on Thursday week 1021k; a year ago 1024. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Thursday 88f ; on Thursday......

We Arc Greatly Interested In The Announcement Of The Morning

Post that it intends on Monday next to reduce itself to a more convenient shape, to improve its type, and to introduce new features. Newspapers are strangely conservative......

On Friday, April 17th, The Airship R 33 Returned Ifely

to her hangar at Fulham, in Norfolk, after an involuntary cruise across the North Sea. Her position as she rode at her mooring mast in a westerly gale had been seen to be......

The Danger Is That Competition Would Soon Arise In Getting

State-aided labour because it is the cheapest labour. Recognizing that danger, Sir Alfred Mond pro- noses that the dole should be handed over to an industry as a whole—say the......

We Welcome The Formation Of The British Institute Of...

Studies, now established temporarily at 88 Kingsway, W.C. 2. It has excellent sponsors in its first principal officers. Lord Balfour, Prof. L. T. Hobhouse, the Master of Balliol......