25 AUGUST 1838, page 5


A numerous meeting was held in the Caledonian Hall, Dundee, on t he 13th instant, to hear speeches from Mr. Abraham Duncan of Glasgow, and Mr. Fraser of Edinburgh, on the......


Mr. O'Connell's new club of agitation is to he called " The Pre- cursor Society of Ireland." It is intended that this society shall con- tinue till the end of next session of......

11r. O'connell Has Actually Gone To Mount Atelleray, Upon "

a re- treat" for eight days; during which, it is said, he is to devote himself to religious exercises, according to the rigid system adopted in that monastery The monks who......

The Following Are Now On A Visit At Longsbaw, A

sporting-lodge near Sheffield, belonging to the Duke of Rutland. The Duke of Rat' land, Lord and Lady Southampton, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Goal Manners, Sir Richard Sutton, &c.......

The Following Well-reasoned Arid Forcible Article Appears...

lin Freeman ' s Journal ; a paper whose disposition is favourable to the 1Vhig Government, though its honesty will not allow it to apologize for the political tergiversation of......

The Last Bubble Of Spottiswode's Joint-stock-company Gang...

and with no better lack than that of its predecessors. The Westmeath Tories have abandoned the struggle, at last, in despair; and Chapman and Nagle continue the unquestioned......