25 AUGUST 1906, page 14

Lto Tim Editor Op Tim "spec/tutor:1 Sir,—there Is, As Mr.

A. Herbert Gray has pointed out in your issue of August 4th, both room and necessity for a positive and constructive treatment of the problems so ably dealt with in the series......

For The Mere Sake And Pleasure Of Flying There Is

one quite notable exception, and perhaps one only the skylark." For some years I have been interested in watching rooks, and have noticed that on windy days they appear to play......

The Kent "county Reader."

[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE "5PECTATOR:] Si,—In your review in the Spectator of the 18th inst. of one of our little "County Readers "—the Kent Reader—your reviewer calls in question......

The Short-service System.

[To THE EDITOR Or TRW SPROTATOR."] SIR,—" A Believer in Short Service" in your last number talks of the "old system inaugurated by Lord Cardwell, of seven years with the colours......

The "spectator" Experimental Company. [to The Eorron 07...

Sum,—In my last letter I merely stated the results of our inspections in signalling and gymnastics ; now, with your permission, I propose to give fuller particulars, and to......