25 DECEMBER 1942, page 18


The Fall of Paris. By Ilya Ehrenburg. Translated from the Russian by Gerard Shelley. (Hutchinson. los. 6d.) To commit a novel, which by its form asserts itself to be a free work......

Country Life

CIVILIAN Welfare organisations, which now flourish in most counties, find themselves regarded as universal aunts. Every sort of problem— often not printable—is brought to them......

The Highland Division. By Eric Linklater. (h.m.s.o. 9d.)

LIKE fire after plague, the story of the Highland' Division in the Battle of France burns up the contagion that lingers from the " malady of defeat." It is an epic: in its pure......

Shorter Notices

Last Essays. By Eric Gill. (Cape. 55.) THIS posthumous book may be properly regarded as an appendage to Eric Gill's Autobiography. If one has not read that, or has not an......

Red Roses For Me. By Sean O'casey. (macmillan. 6s.) Mr.

SEAN O'CASEY'S latest play is likely to prove something of a disappointment to his many admirers. It is really " Irish," in the English popular sense of the word, and therefore......