25 DECEMBER 1953, page 13


Trouble in Store. (Dominion and New Victoria.)—All the Brothers were Valiant. (Empire.) As the Spectator goes to press early this week I shall not be able to review the newest......

In The Opening Paragraphs Of Several Of The Sherlock Holmes

stories reference is made to imaginary cases which the public never actually had a chance to read, e.g., the whole story concerning the politician, the lighthouse and the......

Thanks For Everything

Competitors were invited to submit a "drank you" letter for an embarrassing Christmas present, as written by any one of the following: Queen Victoria, Rev. Sydney Smith, Lord......


A London Actress. By Emma Litchfield. (Arts.) THE fierce rush of life on the West End stage has left only one play to notice this week, but, I am glad to say, it is solid stuff.......