25 JANUARY 1919, page 2

The Allies On Wednesday Adopted An Important Proposal By...

Wilson with regard to Russia. Every " organized group" in Russia and Siberia is invited to send representatives to the Princes' Islands, near Constantinople, by February 15th,......

A Berlin Telegram States That The British Government Sent It

Note to the German Government on January Sth requesting that Germany should refrain from provoking the Polish popula- tion in East and West Prussia, Posen and Silesia. The......

Signor Bissolati, The Patriotic Socialist Leader Who...

in the Italian Ministry, made his reasons clear in a recent speech at Milan. While Baron Sonnino stands on the Treaty of London of 1915 and the territorial claims therein......

Marshal Foch And Admiral Browning Met The German Dele- Gates

at Troves on Thursday week and extended the armistice for another month, to February 17th. By the revised terms Germany must furnish a large supply of farming machinery in place......

We Must Add, However, That The Bolsheviks Cannot Cease From

aggression and come to an agreement without ceasing to be Bolsheviks. Their avowed aim is the destruction of society, not only in Russia but throughout the world. They aro not......

No Casuistry Can Explain Or Condone This Doctrine Of Hell.

Every convention, every agreement reached at the Hague to which the German Empire set its seal, was framed in order tJ defeat the appalling logic of terrorism which the Kaiser......

The Failure Of The Republican Factions In Portugal To Agree

among themselves has naturally led to a Monarehiat rising. On Sunday last the troops in the North, at Oporto, Braga, and Vizeu, rose under Senhor Oouceiro, the Royalist leader,......

Lord Robert Cecil, Whose Special Taskin Paris Is...

a League of Nations, has stated, according to the DailyExpress, that our Government deprecate unduly ambitious schemes. "The British view is that the League should avoid rigid......

The Delegates Of The Five Great Powers Decided On Friday

week that the Pfess should be admitted to the plenary sessions of the Allied Peace Conference in Paris, the first of which was held last Saturday. The delegates also set forth......