25 JANUARY 1946, page 20

Chinese Undercurrents

The vigil of a Nation. By Lin Yutang. (Heinemann. 12s. 6d.) A NEW book by Lin Yutang is an event of importance in the Far Eastern world, for he generally throws fresh lights on......

Governess In Siam

Anna and the King of Siam. By Margaret Landon. (Harrap. 12s. 6d.) " . . . YOUR loving pupil Son Klin Harriet Beecher Stowe." In this ending to a letter from the Princess whose......

A Nightmare

The Great Divorce. By C. S. Lewis. (Geoffrey Bles. 7s. 6d.) How easy and pleasant it would be to write a partial, a sugared account of this book! The temptation is strong for a......