25 JANUARY 1992, page 23

Autumn Double

I FEAR that Norman Lamont has let the Treasury fall back into its bad old habit of timing the Budget for Champion Hurdle day, Well, there goes the racing man's vote. I shall now......

Boring For Britain

INVESTMENT is no substitute. A misdi- rected or unmanaged business can absorb any amount to no effect, as we saw with steel (and with British Leyland.) From sta- ble direction......

Cut Price Money

WE NOW have two prices for money one that the Chancellor and the Bank of England try to keep up, and another, set by supply and demand, which is lower. Follow- ing Abbey......

Cold Cure For Lloyd's

COMPLACENCY is the besetting sin of Lloyd's of London, and fright the best tonic. I just hope that Lloyd's is now fright- ened enough to get down to the business of change......

City And Suburban

Twenty years of resolute government that's how to run a railway c II R ISTOPHER FILDES G erard Fiennes was the railwayman who announced at King's Cross station: 'We regret the......